Be a Welcome!

Thank you for reading and following a link! Welcome to the electronic home of Kelli Murbach, Secular Shepherdess. I hope you enjoyed reading Wealth Codes: Sacred Strategies for Abundance. Below are a couple of resources I thought might extend my chapter for you. Enjoy! -Kelli

That theme song playlist of mine that I spoke about can be found (almost in its entirety) as a public playlist on Spotify. Unfortunately, one of my favorite places to start this playlist going on shuffle is Annabelle by David McMillen, which makes me kinda sad. You can find a video of it on YouTube.

Lastly, if you want to take the practice in my chapter one step further, add movement to the songs you pick.

I’d call it dancing, but that would be a stretch. And, on the days I really need to get out of my head and jumpstart the feeling of being alive, I pick two songs (at least), and move my body. Yes, even to The Funeral by Greg Edmonson. In fact, it’s usually the first song on my list because I usually need to give my inner melancholy some space to express myself.

Thanks again for reading!

Travel Safely, -Kelli