the Colophon
the Colophon
(aka, elements of website assembly)
This page exists because, for me, it’s way interesting how this stuff gets made. In the earlier days of printing, the Colophon was where the printer would add a page to the end of the book detailing elements of how the book got made.
And, because process matters to me (and I own my inner dorks), this is here to acknowledge how so many pieces and parts of this website came together.
Merriweather Bold Italic
Merriweather Sans Light
for Secular Shepherdess
for the Life Support Paradigm
Kelli Murbach
Mara Miske (labeled where possible)
Jen Piceno (labeled)
stock photos from Unsplash, Inc. (labeled where possible)
all copy is written by Kelli Murbach
with the assistance of Grammerly
S.A. Grant at Serebral360